TREP2 — FLExible Patcher
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Welcome to TREP site.

Here you will find latest updates and support information for Tomb Raider 4.5 Engine Patcher (shortly called TREP) and its second-generation derivative — FLExible Patcher (FLEP).

TREP and FLEP are small open-source utilities which modify Tomb Raider 4 engine (tomb4.exe file) used for playing custom levels built with TRLE and DXTre3d. This utility allows you to change various hardcoded parameters, modify object and trigger behaviour, add new gameplay features, create your own custom flipeffects, timed events and patches and then share them with all TR community.

While classic TREP wasn't compatible with now widely-used TRNG, main goal of FLEP is to make custom patches compatible with TRNG version of tomb4.exe.

FLEP v. 1.1.44

for TRNG tomb4.exe only

25 Mai 2020: Custom Patch from "ChocolateFan" under "Downloads - Edit: Updated Files on the Download Site - Changelog Thread on"

30 Jan 2012:
FLEP update; supports scattered RGB data types.

24 Jan 2012: Custom patch set update; particle system customization.

19 Jan 2012: Custom patch set update; included patch set have many TREP patches imported.

15 Jan 2012: First FLEP version released. Compatible with TRNG.

31 Aug 2010: After almost 5-year inactivity, new custom patch was released.



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